One of those Facebook “challenges” that made its rounds a while back asked you to name ten things that most people may not know about you. I was only able to list 7, but number 1 on the list was:

I always wanted to be a teacher. Combine that with being a lawyer, and I love teaching the jury and other lawyers.

Over the years, as a lawyer, I’ve had several opportunities to teach. Of course, there is the regular teaching of the jurors – walking them through evidence, teaching them what it means, and helping them reach a verdict. But there is also the chance to teach other lawyers.

Starting at the District Attorney’s office, I was asked to prepare presentations and papers on various legal topics and teach them to the other prosecutors. Since then, I’ve been asked to present regularly as a defense practitioner.

Just recently, I was asked to join CDLP, a committee of TCDLA, whose mission is to incorporate more participatory training into its programs in place of lecture-based training as a more effective teaching method for lawyers. I’m excited and honored to be asked. I can’t wait to get started! Making plans already to attend the Member Retreat where we will Train the Trainers in South Padre! I won’t have my topics or dates until summer, but until then, I’ll be at the HCCLA Winning Warriors Training Day (April 16-17) and TCDLA Rusty Duncan Advanced Criminal Law (June 17-20).

I guess it’s time to get serious about teaching!

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