In January 2017, I left private practice and returned to the Harris County District Attorney’s Office. I loved the practice of law and especially defending those accused of criminal offenses, but I was offered an opportunity to change the system…from the inside.
By returning to the District Attorney’s Office, I was able to help shape a new culture that promoted something other than a win-at-all-costs attitude. To be clear, not every prosecutor bought in to the win-at-all-costs mindset. But that wasn’t the only problem. Historically, prosecutors shied away from pretrial diversion or intervention and opposed personal bonds. The then newly elected DA promised to change those views and build a more progressive office that still considered public safety to be paramount.
Fast forward to early 2022, I had been a second time prosecutor for 5 years, survived a hurricane and its displacement of the entire criminal justice system, and traversed through a pandemic. It was a challenging 5 years to say the least.
Returning to private practice, I hit the ground running. I was anxious to return to the defense of others and continue to expand the small family practice I had previously. I also intended to get back to writing and blogging. Good intentions; little time.
As 2023 is underway, I am back to writing and blogging. So, after a short hiatus, I’m back!